Size Charts
Here are links to PDF size charts of our most commonly used brands. Unless otherwise noted, most standard tees & long sleeves are on Gildan Heavy (Gildan 5000 & 5400), most soft style tees are on Canvas 3001 or Tultex 202, and most hoodies are on Independent Trading Company 45000 & 45000Z or equivalent brands. Items may have brands substituted due to availability or multiple brands between the same style or size. Please be aware that sizes may not be exact to size charts and, unless there is a radical difference from what is listed here, return/exchange fees cannot be waived due to size or material issues.
- CANVAS (soft style tees)
- GILDAN (standard tees, long sleeves & hoodies)
- TULTEX (soft style tees & hoodies)
If you would like to know about a specific item please e-mail customer service with the item link and size you are interested in.